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Lets play minecraft

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28 Jan 2020

Many thanks to the zhihu User: Amserphere

MC server



Part 0:

Part 1:

Gain operation right

sudo su root

Update apt

sudo apt update

Next, check if Java is already installed:

java -version

If not, follow the suggestion

apt install default-jre

RMB to click yes for the installation

Get the foooking package

sudo wget

Part 2:

Find path


Skip the firewall setting if u r lazy. But this will greatly reduce your server’s security so think twice.

systemctl stop firewalld.service

OR else: Add a port (25565 default)

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=25565/tcp --permanent

If firewall not installed, then follow the suggested command to install firewall utils

Go to Fire wall settings:

Part 3:

Start server!

sudo java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar /home/admin/server.jar nogui

512 is the min rom, 1024 is the max.. /home/admin might need to change to your own home root, nogui means no graphics os

It might takes sometime, and


to stop the server

Let’s change a few more settings to begin!

Agree the agreement:

vi eula.txt

Go in by enter i Move to the eula=false and change it to eula=true

Press esc, and key in :wq

Press enter to save

IF you are using non-official version


change online-mode:true to online-mode:false

Final Steps


sudo java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar /home/admin/server.jar nogui

And ur server is ready!!!

Go to mc and add ur own server address


And enjoy your game!